Terms and Conditions ツアー参加規約

1. Booking and Payment

In order to confirm your booking, please complete the booking form and submit it. All fees associated to the service must be paid at the time of booking. If we do not receive all payments due in full, your place will not be guaranteed or reserved.
If there is any problem with your booking we will be in touch as soon as possible.
If you need to change a booking, contact us through the contact form on our website or email. The sooner you are in touch, the better. We can’t guarantee that we can change a tour, but we will always do our best.



2. Cancellations and Refunds

1)If you need to cancel your booking, you must advise us by email signed by the same person who made the original booking. We will do it best regarding your cancellation request.
The date of your cancellation will be the time when we receive it, and the following cancellation charges will be due:*Please note that time periods are based on Japan Standard Time (JST) that is equivalent to UTC+9.

2)If the tour is cancelled at tour guide’s discretion after the start of the tour due to sudden deterioration in the weather or other unforeseen circumstances, the fee of the tour will be compensated as follows.

3)If we conduct the tour and the weather is not according to the guest’s expectations, we will not provide a refund. If we cut the tour short because of bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances we might issue partial refund depending on the specific circumstance of that day.



2)ツアー開始後に催行不能と判断されるような天候の急激な悪化やその他の不測の事態により中止した場合のツアー代金の対応は以下の通りです。 ツアー開始後1時間以上が経過してからの中止決定は、通常通り開催され終了したものとし、ツアー料金の返金、減額には対応できかねます。ツアー開始後1時間以内の中止の場合は、開催前の中止とみなし、ツアー料金全額を払い戻しいたします。


3. Alterations by Mt.Fuji Explorers

We may find improvements to our plans, and make small changes in advance to customer’s benefit. If we make any major changes to your tour. you will be notified as early as possible. If rarely we should need to alter an itinerary due to unforeseen circumstances, we will endeavour to offer alternative arrangements maintaining our quality standards.

Mt.Fuji Explorersの判断による変更について


4. Cancellations by Mt.Fuji Explorers

We may cancel your tour, if we are forced to do so by unusual or unforeseen circumstances beyond our control such as war, disease, natural disasters and so on. In each case we will do our best to offer you a suitable alternative tour. If this is not acceptable to you, you will receive a full refund of your money that you have paid us. We cannot refund any incidental costs you may have incurred by your booking (air tickets, insurance, etc.), in case of any kind of cancellation or alteration of our tours.

Mt.Fuji Explorersの判断による解除(キャンセル)について

紛争、感染病、災害など、当方の管理の及ばない異常な状況や不測の事態が事前に予測される、もしくは起きた場合、止むを得ず事前にツアーを解除(キャンセル)する場合があります。 その場合、お客様に適当な代替ツアーをご提案できるよう最善を尽くします。これがお客様に受け入れられない場合は、お支払いいただいた金額を全額返金いたします。また、お客様様のご予約によって発生した付随的な費用(航空券、保険など)の返金はいたしかねますのでご了承ください。

5. Responsibility and Safety

We can not be held liable for anything caused by unusual or unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, that is known as „force majeure”, and we cannot cover any extra costs caused by any such cases. Outside activities could carry some risk. We cannot accept any liability for death, accident, injury, illness, or any other inconveniences suffered by you, and for any loss or damage to your luggage or property on our holidays, unless it is caused by a negligent act or omission of us. All persons taking part in our tours must agree to observe local laws and traffic rules, and you are asked to abide by the safety advices given by your tour guides. In all our tours participants must decide themselves if they are in an appropriate state to be able to safely complete the tour.


私たちの管理の及ばない、異常または不測の状況、いわゆる“force majeure(不可抗力)”によって引き起こされた事象に対して当方は責任を負うことはできず、またそのような場合に発生するお客様の追加費用等についても責任を負いかねます。ツアー実施中はお客様の安全を第一にガイディングすることを当方のガイドが徹底しますが、自然の中に潜むすべてのリスクに対して100%の安全の確保をお約束できるものではありません。お客様の死亡、事故、怪我、病気、お客様の荷物や所有物の紛失や破損、その他の不都合については、当方の過失による場合を除き、一切の責任を当方は負いかねます。また、ツアーに参加される全ての方は、同行するガイドの安全に対する指示に従っていただき、また現地の法律や条例、交通ルールを遵守することの同意をお願いいたします。もしお客様の過失によって法律や条例をもとに罰則を受けられた場合は、当方は一切責任を負うことができかねます。

6. Fitness and Health

People taking part in our tours do so at their own responsibility, and we suppose that they are in good health. If there is any doubt about your fitness or ability of participation in an activity, please consult your doctor.



7. Travel Insurance

We highly recommend that you purchase travel insurance. Travel insurance covers vacation cost against cancellation and interruption while also providing medical, lost or damaged property and trip delay coverage. You are reimbursed if you must cancel or interrupt your travel, and you are also covered should the need arise for emergency medical treatment, medical evacuation and a number of other situations.



8. Photographs, etc.

Mt.Fuji Explorers reserves the right to take photographic, video, or film records of any of its tours, including customers, and to use any such photographic, video, or film records for promotional and/or commercial purposes.



9. Privacy

All the personal information that is collected during our tour registration process will be used for Mt.Fuji Explorers administration and booking purposes only. We does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with other people.



10. Acceptance of Conditions

By booking a Tour you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by these Terms. If you make a booking on behalf of other participants, you guarantee that you have the authority to accept and do accept these Terms on behalf of the other participants in your party.

